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As part of the Boerse Stuttgart Group, with Boerse Stuttgart Digital we have built Europe’s largest digital and crypto business among all stock exchange groups. Offering solutions for institutional clients in the fields of brokerage, trading, and custody, as well as the BISON platform for private investors, Boerse Stuttgart Digital provides reliable, regulated, and transparent access to the world of cryptocurrencies. The Boerse Stuttgart Group employs more than 700 people across locations in Stuttgart, Berlin, Frankfurt, Stockholm, Zurich, and Ljubljana.
As a Chief Information Security Officer (CISO), you will be responsible for overseeing all assurance activities related to the availability, integrity, and confidentiality of information belonging to customers, business partners, employees, and the organization itself at Boerse Stuttgart Digital. This role ensures compliance with the organization’s information security policies. A primary focus of the CISO’s responsibilities is to collaborate with executive leadership to define acceptable risk levels for the organization as well as communication with the supervisor. You will create and maintain a comprehensive information security management program across the company to safeguard information assets effectively.
This position allows for remote work, but we greatly value in-person team interaction. Therefore, we encourage regular attendance for key team votes, special events, and fostering team spirit.
Would you like to actively shape the digital future of a leading financial company? Then apply now and become part of our team! We look forward to receiving your application.