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The top management is driving the European growth and the digital transformation of Boerse Stuttgart Group.

Dr. Matthias Voelkel

Chief Executive Officer

Boerse Stuttgart Group

Dr. Matthias Voelkel has been Chief Executive Officer of Boerse Stuttgart Group... Learn more

Dr. Manfred Pumbo

Chief Financial Officer / Chief Risk Officer

Boerse Stuttgart Group

Dr. Manfred Pumbo is Chief Financial Officer and Chief Risk Officer... Learn more

Michael Jaeggi

Chief Information Officer

Boerse Stuttgart Group

Michael Jaeggi is Chief Information Officer and... Learn more

Dragan Radanovic

Chief Business Officer

Boerse Stuttgart Group

Dragan Radanovic is Chief Business Officer of Boerse Stuttgart Group... Learn more

Dr. Ulli Spankowski

Chief Digital & Product Officer

Boerse Stuttgart Digital

Dr. Ulli Spankowski, Chief Digital Officer at Boerse Stuttgart Digital, is a crypto enthusiast and fintech expert on a mission to help traditional finance... Learn more

Bincy Kochalumoottil

Chief Growth Officer

Boerse Stuttgart Group

Bincy Kochalumoottil has been part of the management of the Boerse Stuttgart Group since... Learn more

Dr. Constantin Bettermann

Chairman of the Management Board

Baden-Württembergische Wertpapierbörse

Dr. Constantin Bettermann has been Managing Director of the public-law... Learn more

Dr. Oliver Vins

Chief Regulatory, Operating & Financial Officer

Boerse Stuttgart Digital

Dr. Oliver Vins is Chief Regulatory, Operating & Financial Officer at Boerse Stuttgart Digital, ... Learn more

Michael Görgens

Chief Executive Officer

Boerse Stuttgart cats

Michael Görgens is part of the Group Executive Committee (GEC) and... Learn more

Lucas Bruggeman

Chief Executive Officer

BX Swiss

Lucas Bruggeman has been Chief Executive Officer of BX Swiss AG since... Learn more

Magdalena Hartman

Chief Executive Officer

Nordic Growth Market

Magdalena Hartman has been Chief Executive Officer of Nordic Growth Market since... Learn more

Sven Wilke

Head of Strategy, M&A and Innovation

Boerse Stuttgart Group

Sven Wilke serves as coopted member of the Group Executive Committee at Boerse Stuttgart... Learn more

Kirsten Weisbender

Head of People & Transformation

Boerse Stuttgart Group

Kirsten Weisbender has been Head of People & Transformation at Boerse Stuttgart Group since... Learn more

Joaquín Sastre Ibáñez

Chief Revenue Officer

Boerse Stuttgart Digital

Joaquín Sastre Ibáñez has been Chief Revenue Officer at Boerse Stuttgart Digital since January 1, 2024 [...] learn more

Dennis Winter

Chief Technology Officer

Boerse Stuttgart Digital

Dennis Winter is Chief Technology Officer (CTO) at Boerse Stuttgart Digital ... Learn more

Dierk Schaffer

Chief Executive Officer

Boerse Stuttgart Commodities

Dierk Schaffer has been Chief Executive Officer of Boerse Stuttgart Commodities GmbH since 2021... Learn more

Constanze Liepold

Managing Director

Baden-Wuerttembergische Wertpapierboerse

Constanze Liepold, as of January 1, 2024, holds the position of Managing Director... Learn more

Selected committees


Supervisory Board

The Supervisory Board advises and supervises the Group's management team.

Jürgen Steffan

Chairman of the Supervisory Board

Dr. Christian Ricken

Deputy Chairman of the Supervisory Board

Katharina Gehra



Dr. Alena Kretzberg



Gabriele Ruf



Andreas Torner




Boerse Stuttgart Group is a privately-owned exchange and capital markets group operating throughout Europe. The umbrella company, a German association, is operated as an operational holding company, bringing together numerous infrastructure and central functions of the various Group entities.

Boerse Stuttgart Group operates two business areas: the capital markets business and the digital business. 

The capital markets business comprises licensed stock exchanges in Sweden, Switzerland and Germany, the broker EUWAX AG, which is licensed and listed in Germany, and the securities institution cats, which is licensed in Germany and operates in seven European countries. The broker EUWAX AG has been listed since 2000.

The digital business comprises an institutional crypto broker, a crypto MTF, institutional crypto custody and a retail broker (BISON) - all licensed in Germany. It also entails BX Digital. 

Boerse Stuttgart Group is committed to regulation in the European Union.